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Publications (46) IDOIA LARRECHI LAMELAS publications
Effectiveness of a nutrition education programme for individuals with celiac disease and their supporters through social media (GLUTLEARN project)
Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 184
Assessment of a training course for cookery students regarding celiac disease and gluten-free diet
Heliyon, Vol. 10, Núm. 20
FODMAP Content Like-by-like Comparison in Spanish Gluten-free and Gluten-containing Cereal-based Products
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, Vol. 79, Núm. 2, pp. 545-550
Global Approach to Follow-Up of Celiac Disease
Foods, Vol. 13, Núm. 10
Importance of an Ongoing Nutritional Counselling Intervention on Eating Habits of Newly Diagnosed Children with Celiac Disease
Nutrients, Vol. 16, Núm. 15
Study Protocol for a Controlled Trial of Nutrition Education Intervention about Celiac Disease in Primary School: ZELIAKIDE Project
Nutrients, Vol. 16, Núm. 3
Aldizkako barauaren efektuak obesitatean eta 2 motako diabetesean
Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria, Núm. 44, pp. 27-40
Producción de cervezas artesanas sin gluten: guía para su elaboración
Uncovering the Concerns and Needs of Individuals with Celiac Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study
Nutrients, Vol. 15, Núm. 17
Application of a Platform for Gluten-Free Diet Evaluation and Dietary Advice: From Theory to Practice
Sensors, Vol. 22, Núm. 3
Gluten-Free Products: Do We Need to Update Our Knowledge?
Foods, Vol. 11, Núm. 23
Implementation of Sustainability and Social Responsibility Competencies in the Degree of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Shaping a Sustainable Future: Innovative Teaching Practices for Educating Responsible Leaders (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2022), pp. 343-354
Percepción de la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad social en el sector alimentario: de la universidad a la industria
Innovación educativa en Educación Superior (Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), pp. 164-169
Performance of Apple Pomace for Gluten-Free Bread Manufacture: Effect on Physicochemical Characteristics and Nutritional Value
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol. 12, Núm. 12
Gluten and fodmaps relationship with mental disorders: Systematic review
Nutrients, Vol. 13, Núm. 6
Hezkuntza Nutrizionala: gluten gabeko dieta segurua, orekatua eta inklusiboa
Osasun zientzak: IV. Ikergazte Nazioarteko Ikerteta Euskaraz. 2021eko ekainaren 9, 10 eta . Gasteiz, Euskal Herria.
Nutritional imbalances in adult celiac patients following a gluten-free diet
Nutrients, Vol. 13, Núm. 8
Development of social responsibility through gluten free cooking workshop: Multidisciplinary students experience
EDULEARN20 Proceedings: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (July 6th-7th, 2020, Online)
Effect of analytically measured fiber and resistant starch from gluten-free products on the diets of individuals with celiac disease
Nutrition, Vol. 70
FODMAP urriko dieta eta haien erabilgarritasuna hesteko gaixotasunen maneiuan.
Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria, Núm. 38, pp. 155-182