Department: Didáctica y Organización Escolar

Centre: Facultad de Educación de Bilbao

Campus: Bizkaia

Field of knowledge: Artes y Humanidades

Area: Didactics and School Organisation

Research group: KideON. Inclusión socioeducativa. Inklusio giza-hezitzailea. Socio-educational inclusion - GIC 21/109

Was part of these groups:


Doctor by the Universidad de Deusto with the thesis El análisis ecológico del aula desde los principios de la escuela inclusiva estudio de casos 2010. Supervised by Dr. Javier José Goikoetxea Piérola, Dr. Almudena Fernández González.

PhD in Pedagogy (2010), Pedagogy, Master in Special Education and Diploma in Teaching of Early Childhood Education. She has also trained in a biennial course on educational psychomotor practice and specialization course in Early Care. Since 2005 she is a teacher and researcher in the department of didactics and school organization at the University of the Basque Country. Her research has deepened in various matters related to the field of educational and social inclusion, specifically in community action and vulnerable groups such as children in a situation of vulnerability and people with rare diseases. She has participated in various research projects (Training and Research Units in Education, Culture and Society; Accredited Group Category A Basque Government; Consolidated group of the University of the Basque Country; R+D+i; University-Society; Erasmus+, OTRI) and various educational innovation projects, one of them being a specialized group. She has made several stays as visiting professor in Spain (Sevilla, Vigo), UK (Sheffield, Exeter, Southampton), Holland, Ecuador and Chile.