Argitalpenak (56) ALEXANDER MARTIN GARIN argitalpenak



    Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings

  2. Cenizas volantes de incineradora de residuos urbanos en la producción de eco-cementos

    Innovación tecnológica y desarrollo sostenible en la edificación (Dykinson), pp. 554

  3. Comparative Analysis of the Effect of the Evolution of Energy Saving Regulations on the Indoor Summer Comfort of Five Homes on the Coast of the Basque Country

    Buildings, Vol. 12, Núm. 7

  4. Despliegue de un sistema open‐source de monitorización IoT para el seguimiento ambiental del centro gerontológico de Egogain = Deployment of an open-source IoT monitoring system for environmental monitoring of the Egogain gerontological centre

    Anales de Edificación, Vol. 8, Núm. 2, pp. 25-30

  5. Experimental study on the thermal control of a roof-top collective building antenna using a porous matrix filled with Water-Copper nanofluid

    Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 32

  6. Fotogrametría aplicada al levantamiento gráfico en proyectos de rehabilitación: Caso de estudio de una vivienda unifamiliar

    Innovación tecnológica y desarrollo sostenible en la edificación (Dykinson), pp. 618

  7. Integration of Indoor Air Quality Concerns in Educational Community Through Collaborative Framework of Campus Bizia Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country

    Smart and Sustainable Technology for Resilient Cities and Communities, pp. 73-88

  8. Monitoring and energy management strategy during the energy refurbishment plan of the social rental housing stock of the Basque Country

    EESAP13 International Conference 2022, 5-6 October Donostia-San Sebastián: Akten liburua = Libro de actas = Proceedings book

  9. Open-Source Framework Based on LoRaWAN IoT Technology for Building Monitoring and Its Integration into BIM Models

    Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices: Applications of Industry 4.0: Volume 1-3 (Springer International Publishing), pp. 257-283