Department: Sociología y trabajo social

Centre: Facultad de Educación de Bilbao

Campus: Bizkaia

Field of knowledge: Artes y Humanidades

Area: Sociology


Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Participación política y asociacionismo católico el caso de las asociaciones de fieles en la Diócesis de Bilbao 2016. Supervised by Dr. Francisco José Llera Ramo, Dr. Ainhoa Novo Arbona.

PhD in Political Science from the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea in 2016. Master by the University of Deusto (UD) and the Pablo Olavide University (UPO), as well as postgraduate by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS). FPI fellow of the Ministry of Education and Science (2007-2011). Since then he has been part of the research team Euskobarómetro (UPV/EHU). As a researcher he has been part of different interuniversity research teams. He is also Principal Researcher of the "Gambling Basque Observatory" Project (2019-today). Member of the Board of Directors of the Basque Association of Sociology and Political Science (AVSP) and is a member of the Editorial Board of the INGURUAK Journal. Collaborator of different media. At present he is Associate Professor (contratado doctor) of the Department of Sociology and Social Work. Since 2022 he is Vice-Dean of Academic Organization in the Faculty of Education of Bilbao.