Department: Economía Financiera II

Centre: Facultad de Economía y Empresa

Institute: Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa

Campus: Gipuzkoa

Field of knowledge: Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

Area: Marketing and Market Research


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis El efecto de la imagen de enseña sobre el valor de las marcas de distribuidor un estudio aplicado a los hipermercados 2008. Supervised by Dr. Pilar Zorrilla Calvo.

Dr. Jose Juan Beristain lectures in marketing at the University of The Basque Country (Spain). His current research interests include brand management, corporate image and store brands. He received a PhD in Business Administration in 2008 for his study: “The effect of store image on store brand equity: a study applied to hypermarkets”. He won the second-place prize in the 2010 AECC Doctoral Dissertation Award for the Best Dissertation in the field of Commerce.