Publications (22) MARIA CRISTINA PIZARRO IRIZAR publications
Aula invertida online: Combinando docencia síncrona y asíncrona en red para estudiantes internacionales y multidisciplinares de posgrados en Cambio Climático
Una mirada hacia la Universidad del futuro (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 215-220
Right and Duty: Investment Risk Under Different Renewable Energy Support Policies
Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 87, Núm. 12, pp. 3163-3204
Green jobs in the Spanish renewable energy sector: An input-output approach
Handbook on the Economics of Renewable Energy (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 138-156
Is it all about supply? Demand-side effects on the Spanish electricity market following Covid-19 lockdown policies
Utilities Policy, Vol. 80
Pricing policies for efficient demand side management in liberalized electricity markets
Economic Modelling, Vol. 121
Who bears the risk? Incentives for renewable electricity under strategic interaction between regulator and investors
Resource and Energy Economics, Vol. 75
Análisis de impacto de alternativas para la financiación de energías renovables en España
Cuadernos económicos de ICE, Núm. 104, pp. 111-136
Análisis de impacto del Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima (PNIEC) 2021-2030 de España (*)
Papeles de economía española, Núm. 163, pp. 9-22
Assessing stakeholder preferences on low-carbon energy transitions
Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy, Vol. 15, Núm. 10-12, pp. 455-491
Health co-benefits and mitigation costs as per the Paris Agreement under different technological pathways for energy supply
Environment International, Vol. 136
Lost (and found) in Transition: Expert stakeholder insights on low-carbon energy transitions in Spain
Energy Research and Social Science, Vol. 64
Renewable energy regulation and structural breaks: An empirical analysis of Spanish electricity price volatility
Energy Economics, Vol. 88
Health co-benefits from air pollution and mitigation costs of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study
The Lancet Planetary Health, Vol. 2, Núm. 3, pp. e126-e133
Is renewable energy a cost-effective mitigation resource? An application to the Spanish electricity market
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 94, pp. 902-914
Has renewable energy induced competitive behavior in the Spanish electricity market?
Energy Policy, Vol. 104, pp. 171-182
Optimal regulation of renewable energy: A comparison of Feed-in Tariffs and Tradable Green Certificates in the Spanish electricity system
Energy Economics, Vol. 67, pp. 387-399
Is green energy expensive? Empirical evidence from the Spanish electricity market
Energy Policy, Vol. 69, pp. 205-215
La nueva reforma del mercado eléctrico español: eficiencia y austeridad
Cuadernos económicos de ICE, Núm. 88, pp. 96-126
Switching from feed-in tariffs to a tradable green certificate market
Lecture Notes in Energy, Vol. 54, pp. 261-280