Department: Ciencias de la Educación

Centre: Facultad de Educación de Bilbao

Campus: Bizkaia

Field of knowledge: Artes y Humanidades

Area: Theory and History of Education

Research group: KideON. Inclusión socioeducativa. Inklusio giza-hezitzailea. Socio-educational inclusion - GIC 21/109

Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Structural studies of the allosteric communication defective chaperonins groel e461k and groel e434k 2008. Supervised by Dr. Marcelo Eduardo Guerin.

Aintzane Cabo Bilbao has a degree in Physics and a PhD in Biochemistry. Trained in Pedagogy (Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude) and Psychodrama (Institute of Group Methods of Navarra), she was a professor in the Department of “Didactics of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences” between 2005 and 2007. Currently, she is a professor in the Department of “Educational Sciences” since 2011 and teaches in the Degree of Social Education at the Faculty of Education of Bilbao of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She leads several international research projects (Erasmus+) in the field of youth activation, community development and socio-educational actions from non-exclusion and Human Rights, with groups from Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Portugal and Spain. On the other hand, she carries out several researches (University-Society) on the historical development of referent social entities in the Basque Country. Likewise, in the last few years he has been leading projects in the field of “Community Development” and “Street Education” and has participated in the project “Professional development framework for university teachers: Descriptors and research foundations” of the State Network of University Teaching (REDU). She is currently leading the UPV/EHU research group in the project “NEXUS: connecting teams between the school and the street” which is carried out in Navarra by ANNF (Asociación Navarra Nuevo Futuro). On the other hand, he has participated in different innovation projects, some interregional with the University of Cantabria (UC), related to the optimization of the dialogic tool in values training through ICTs, group heterogeneity and internationalization, and other intercampus (Campus Bizia Lab, I3KD), linked to the creation of transdisciplinary communities in the field of sustainability and ecosocial transition.