Publikationen, an denen er mitarbeitet Unai Arzubiaga Orueta (18)


  1. Is Being Conservative at Home Whilst Taking Risks Abroad a Suitable Competitive Strategy? The Case of Spanish Family Firms Internationalizing to Mexico

    Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics (Springer Nature), pp. 257-268


  1. Familia-enpresak eta finantzaketa: zuzendaritza-organoen ezaugarri eta erabakiak

    Uztaro: giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria, Núm. 96, pp. 5-20

  2. Orientazio ekintzailetik familia enpresen emaitzara: estrategiari buruzko erabaki hartzearen analisia administrazio kontseilu eta zuzendaritza mailetan

    Orientazio ekintzailetik familia enpresen emaitzara: estrategiari buruzko erabaki hartzearen analisia administrazio kontseilu eta zuzendaritza mailetan


  1. Why do some boards of directors in family firms outperform others when strategizing? Analysing the importance of entrepreneurial orientation

    New Challenges in Entrepreneurship and Finance: Examining the Prospects for Sustainable Business Development, Performance, Innovation, and Economic Growth (Springer International Publishing), pp. 103-114


  1. Entrepreneurial orientation and innovation in a context of crisis: Some relevant factors in the case of family firms

    Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Crisis: Lessons for Research, Policy and Practice (Springer International Publishing), pp. 107-115


  1. Which is the Role of the Strategic Involvement of the Board of Directors in the Relationship between Familiness and the Entrepreneurial Orientation of a Family Firm?

    Descubriendo nuevos horizontes en administracion: XXVII Congreso Anual AEDEM, Universidad de Huelva, 5, 6 y 7 de junio de 2013