Kongressbeiträge (37) Publikationen, an denen Forscher/innen teilgenommen haben


  1. A Comparative Study Between DTC and DTC-SVPWM Control of Induction Machines ofWind and Marine Turbines

    Irakaskuntzaren berrikuntza kontrol ingeniaritzan itsas energian

  2. A Virtual Sensor for a Cell Voltage Prediction of a Proton-Exchange Membranes Based on Intelligent Techniques

    Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

  3. Adaptive Filtering Methods for ECG Waveform Restoration during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

    Computing in Cardiology

  4. Addressing sustainability and climate change through participatory simulation games in a multicultural environment in higher education: an experience in a master degree on smart cities and communities

    EDULEARN22 Proceedings: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies : July 4th-6th, 2022

  5. Ampacity Forecast from Weather Prediction in Distribution Lines

    2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2022

  6. Automated Algorithm for QRS Detection in Cardiac Arrest Patients with PEA

    Computing in Cardiology

  7. Changes in the Social Responsibility of University Students Involved in Wikipedia Article Edition

    EDULEARN22: Conference Proceedings

  8. Comparison Between the Importance that Students Give to Environmental Awareness for their Professional Development and the Work Carried Out by the Bilbao School of Engineering in this Field

    EDULEARN22: Conference Proceedings

  9. Custom Fit Overgrips for Bats Used in Different Basque Pelota Modalities

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

  10. Development of a Simple Model to Estimate Heating Demand at a District Level

    EESAP13 International Conference 2022, 5-6 October Donostia-San Sebastián: Akten liburua = Libro de actas = Proceedings book

  11. Didactic Strategy Based on Experimental Process and Physical Manipulation for a Meaningful Learning of the Dihedral System

    Advances in Design Engineering II: Proceedings of the XXX International Congress INGEGRAF, 24-25 June, 2021, Valencia, Spain

  12. Didactic Strategy Based on Experimental Process and Physical Manipulation for a Meaningful Learning of the Dihedral System

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

  13. El Aprendizaje basado en Proyectos Bajo una Perspectiva de Género para Mejorar la Integración de la Mujer en los Grados de Ingeniería

    Irakaskuntzaren berrikuntza kontrol ingeniaritzan itsas energian

  14. Estudio de estructuras neuronales NARX para reproducir el comportamiento de sistemas con dinámicas complejas

    Simposio CEA de Control Inteligente (17. 2022. León): Libro de actas

  15. Evaluation of different refurbishment or improvement strategies to reduce the environmental impact of University campuses

    Building Simulation Conference Proceedings

  16. Geometric Inspection in Surfboard Manufacturing by Using Reverse Engineering and 3D Inspection Tools

    Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

  17. Heart Murmur Detection from Phonocardiogram Recordings: The George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2022

    Computing in Cardiology

  18. Implementación de un sistema de control predictivo inteligente para sistemas de dinámicas complejas

    Simposio CEA de Control Inteligente (17. 2022. León): Libro de actas

  19. Implementing BIM in Architectural Graphic Expression Subjects in the First-Degree Courses

    Architectural Graphics

  20. Improvement and updating of the thermotechnics teaching project in industrial engineering

    EDULEARN22 Proceedings: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies : July 4th-6th, 2022