Department: Lingüística y Estudios Vascos

Centre: Facultad de Letras

Campus: Araba


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I started working on my PhD dissertation on 2022 under the supervision of professors Beatriz Fernández (UPV/EHU) and Urtzi Etxeberria (CNRS-IKER). Funding for this research comes from a pre-doctoral grant from the Spanish Ministry of Universities, FPU [FPU21/05860]. The thesis is carried out at The Bilingual Mind research team (UPV(EHU) and the IKER UMR5478 research center in Bayonne, through a cotutelle between the UPV/EHU and the UPPA (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour). Previously, I graduated in Basque Studies in the UPV/EHU university (2017-2021) and I completed my studies with a masters in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics at the same university. In 2021, through an Ikasiker Fellowship of Research to collaborate with The Bilingual Mind research group, I started working on adverbs under the mentorship of professor Beatriz Fernández. I have carried out my Master's Dissertation on the topic of adverbial modifiers and particularly, Basque manner-adverbials formed through the suffix -ki.