Department: Lingüística y Estudios Vascos

Centre: Facultad de Letras

Campus: Araba

Field of knowledge: Artes y Humanidades


Personal web:

Since I was a child, I have been interested in travelling and getting to know new languages. Currently, I am analyzing the nature of adpositions with Beatriz Fernández and Ane Berro on the Doctoral Programme in Linguistics (2021-now). I have previously studied Basque Studies at UPV/EHU (2016-2020) and thanks to the Ikasiker Fellowship of Research (2019-2020), I had the opportunity to collaborate with the research group The Bilingual Mind directed by Itziar Laka. I continued my academic formation coursing the Master program in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics (2020-21) where I analyzed the syntactic status of locative adpositions.