Department: Educación Física y Deportiva

Centre: Facultad de Educación y Deporte

Campus: Araba

Field of knowledge: Artes y Humanidades

Area: Physical Education and Sport

Research group: GIKAFIT (Gizartea, Kirola eta Ariketa Fisikoa Ikerkuntza Taldea) - GIC 21/114


Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Efectos de diferentes programas de ejercicio físico aeróbico con intervención nutricional en personas adultas con hipertensión primaria y sobrepeso/obesidad estudios EXERDIET-HTA 2019. Supervised by Dr. Sara Maldonado Martín.

Physical Activity and Sports Sciences degree (2012) and Ph.D (2019) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), Nutrition and Health master degree (2013, UPV / EHU), Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary and Upper Secondary School Education master degree (2018, VIU). Thesis title, " Effects of different aerobic exercise programs with nutritional intervention in overweight/obese adults with primary hypertension: the EXERDIET-HTA study ". Physical activity and Sports undergraduate program teaching at UPV/EHU: Physical Activity for the Health of the Elderly, Design of Exercise Programs for Health and Nutrition for Health. Teacher training undergraduate program teaching at MU-HUEZI: education II, tutor and practicum II; physical education, health and well-being; child development and motor skills; research in physical education; physical and didactic education; practicum IV. Master degree teaching at UPV / EHU Nutrition and health. Professor of University Specialist in Exercise and Healthy Lifestyles postgraduate degree (UPV / EHU). Collaborating with Basque foundation of innovation and health research BIOEF, for the research project entitled "bipolar disorder, lifestyle and oxidative stress" (2019). Research stays: University of Gloucestershire (2016, UK) and University of Birmingham (2017, UK). Part of GIKAFIT Group (GIZARTEA, KIROLA ETA ARIKETA FISIKOA IKERKUNTZA TALDEA).