Department: Educación Física y Deportiva

Centre: Facultad de Educación y Deporte

Campus: Araba

Field of knowledge: Artes y Humanidades

Area: Physical Education and Sport

Research group: GIKAFIT (Gizartea, Kirola eta Ariketa Fisikoa Ikerkuntza Taldea) - GIC 21/114


Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Requerimientos aeróbicos de la carrera a pie en cinta rodante 2000. Supervised by Dr. Sabino Padilla Magunacelaya, Dr. Iñigo Mujika.

Full Professor in the Department of Physical and Sports Education, Faculty of Education and Sports (UPV/EHU). PhD and degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (UPV/EHU), specialist in Management in Sports Entities (UPV/EHU), Master in High Performance Sports (COE, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), specialist in physical training in phase IV (British Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation) and accredited by the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. Teaching: Design of exercise for people with pathologies and Nutrition for Health. Research stays at Wake Forest University (NC, USA), Gloucestershire University (UK) and University of Illinois, Chicago (USA). Research projects related to the effect of physical exercise on people with chronic pathologies.