Department: Matemáticas

Centre: Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología

Campus: Bizkaia

Field of knowledge: Ciencias

Area: Applied Mathematics

Research group: MATHMODE: Group on Applied Mathematical Modeling, Statistics, and Optimization - GIC 21/004


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Solitones en ecuaciones acopladas de Sine-Gordon con aplicaciones a uniones múltiples de Josephson 2003. Supervised by Dr. Virginia Muto Foresi, Dr. Peter Leth Christiansen.

Carlos Gorria is a member of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He obtained the Degree in Mathematics at the UPV/EHU in 1995 and he worked in Numerical Analysis. Later on, he continued the training for his doctoral thesis in collaboration with the UPV/EHU and the Mathematical Modeling Department of the Technical University of Denmark. He obtained his Ph.D in 2003. Since 1996 up to the present he holds a position as lecturer in the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the UPV/EHU. He has been teaching the following subjects: Introduction to Numerical Calculus, Numerical methods for solving ordinary differential equations and Mathematical modelling in the third course of the degree in Mathematics and some subjects of general Mathematics and Differential Equations in the first courses of the degree in Chemical Engineering. Since 2016, he is the Director of the Master's program on Mathematical Modeling, Statistics, and Computing, which counts with the participation of the University of the Basque Country, University of Zaragoza, University of Oviedo, University of La Laguna, University of La Rioja, and Public University of Navarra.