Irudiek ezkutatzen dutenaErdi Aroa eta generoaren irudikapenak ikertuz EKI proiektuko testuliburu batean

  1. Irati Zuriarrain Asurmendi

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-9082-672-0

Year of publication: 2024

Pages: 49-73

Type: Book chapter


This Master’s thesis investigates the representation of the Middle Ages and gender in the illustrative images of a Social Sciences textbook of the EKI project. Specifically, the textbook under study belongs to the 2nd year of Compulsory Secondary Education, with the title «Oihala altxatu eta Erdi Aroa agertzen da» published under the coordination of the publishing house Elkar-Ikastolak Zerbitzuak S.L.. Thus, through research into the construction of historical discourses, the general aim of this work is to find out the pedagogical implications of the images analysed. Certainly, the contents of textbooks (including images) have a direct impact on the students’ collective imagination. Textbooks are instruments with a high potential for perpetuating social stigmas in the memory, and are widely used in education. Along with other issues, these latter keys are explored in greater depth in the theoretical framework section. In this work, a mixed methodology is used to achieve the main objective mentioned above. On the one hand, the images to be analysed have been classified and processed in a systematic and quantified way. To this end, analysis tools have been developed that are appropriate to the established objectives. Once the systematic classification of the data has been carried out, the results obtained are analysed and interpreted. This last section is therefore based on the qualitative method. In general terms, some central ideas can be drawn from this. On the one hand, the construction of a homogeneous and caricatured representation of the Middle Ages through images is identified. In general, the greatest importance is given to the political-military approach to history. On the other hand, the optic or conception of Androcentrism has been identified throughout the images, both in the quantities observed in the classification of the distribution of genders and in the different ways of representing them. In this way, the work concludes by stressing the need to continue to delve deeper into the construction of historical discourses.