La formación del profesorado para un uso didáctico de los museos de ciencia

  1. Maite Morentin
RdM. Revista de Museología: Publicación científica al servicio de la comunidad museológica

ISSN: 1134-0576

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: Didáctica en Museos de Ciencia

Issue: 63

Pages: 49-58

Type: Article

More publications in: RdM. Revista de Museología: Publicación científica al servicio de la comunidad museológica


The school visits to museums and centers of science are considered to be a powerful resource for learning given its playful and didactic character, but it is necessary that these visits are integrated to the programming of the classroom to optimize above mentioned learning. In this sense, the roll of the teaching staff is irreplaceable therefore it will be necessary that the future teachers acquire the didactic knowledge that allow them to realize school visits centred on learning. With that objective, in the School of Teaching of Bilbao (UPV /EHU) we have realized several proposals of initial formation concerning the design and the planning of a visit to a center of sciences. The results are being positive and encouraging, and it is possible to conclude that there have been improvement in the didactic knowledge of the students -future teachers- as regards the school visits to museums, without forgetting the scientific knowledge that also beneficiaries have seen.