Arte en educacióndeshaciendo los roles de género, construyen do identidades : proyectos artísticos-colaborativos como estrategia para analizar e interpretar el mundo que nos rodea

  1. Leire Aranburu Etxegoien
Arte, ilustración y cultura visual: diálogos en torno a la mediación educativa crítica dentro y fuera de la escuela
  1. Estibaliz Jiménez de Aberasturi Apraiz (ed. lit.)
  2. Amaia Arriaga Azcárate (ed. lit.)
  3. Idoia Marcellán Baraze (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Universidad del País Vasco = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

ISBN: 978-84-9082-799-4

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 103-110

Congress: Congreso Internacional “Arte, Cultura visual e Ilustración en Educación Infantil y Primaria” (4. 2017. Donostia-San Sebastián)

Type: Conference paper


The investigation developed on the following lines arises from the collaborative-artistic project Ikastolatik Auzora, Auzotik Ikastolara (from de school to the neighborhood, from the neighborhood to the school) in which the public school Jakintza Ikastola and Tabakalera: International Centre for Contemporary Culture of Donostia has been working on for one year. One of the main targets was to create networks and to turn the school into quarter and the quarter in school. In this sense, in the second phase of the project happened a critical incident that marked my investigation and I decided to investigate from the genre perspective. Hence, I have done a case study using visual tools. But the observation have been the key and to gather information I have used the field notes, the diary have been useful as well as the semi-structured interview. After the data collection, I have focused on the research on the critical incidents and have tried to create a narrative of the case to deal with topics like complex identities, the figure of the teacher and the visual culture.