De la desconfianza al rechazopercepción y gestión de los reclamos publicitarios entre los y las menores

  1. Miguel Ángel Casado del Río 1
  2. Estefanía Jiménez Iglesias 1
  3. Maialen Garmendia Larrañaga 1
  4. Paula Pineda-Martínez 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Lejona, España


Claves de la comunicación para niños y adolescentes: experiencias y reflexiones para una comunicación constructiva
  1. Álvarez Ruiz, Antón (coord.)
  2. Núñez Gómez, Patricia (coord.)

Publisher: Fragua

ISBN: 978-84-7074-668-0

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 327-342

Type: Book chapter


With the growth of Internet and digital emdia new concerns about the privacy and security of users arises, wich are more important in the case of children as they are more vulnerable than adults. In this context, it is a priority to address the potencial risks that children may face in the network, as well as consider possible strategies for its prevention and management. This chapter focuses on analyzing the so-called "commercial risks", understood as commercial, advertising or marketing content that can disturb, confuse or overwhelm the user while browsing. In particular, we study the perception of children over such commercial stimulus and the actions they take to avoid or overcome them once they have appeared. There is a high level of knowledge abaout the risks associated with some commercial content on the Internet, especially on those related to sexual content perceived as fraudulent. So it is important to continue guiding children on a safe Internet browsing, for what the implication of parents it is still crucial.