El apadrinamiento lector como estrategia inclusiva en la escuelafundamentos y claves para la implementación

  1. Alvarez Rementeria, Maria
  2. Darretxe, Leire
  3. Arotegui Barandica, Igone 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Lejona, España

    ROR https://ror.org/000xsnr85

Mamakuna: Revista de divulgación de experiencias pedagógicas

ISSN: 2773-7551

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: Prospectiva, innovación y escenarios para una educación posible (enero-junio)

Issue: 18

Pages: 78-89

Type: Article

More publications in: Mamakuna: Revista de divulgación de experiencias pedagógicas


The development of inclusive schools and classrooms is today one of the main challenges for educational systems. Learning occurs through the interaction and dialogue between people. Based on that, in this article we present a literature review on groupings within the classroom that promote learning through inclusive practices, as well as coexistence and group cohesion. One type of inclusive grouping is the Sponsorship Reading (SR) experience, the purpose of which is to improve reading learning by promoting social interaction. Through an international sys- tematic review in the WOS, Scopus and Dialnet databases, a qualitative exploratory study has been carried out. The study results in the identification of the main theoretical and practical keys when organizing the SR experience, thus, serving as a guide for teachers, to help them through its implementation. The conclusions lead us to reflect on the benefits of SR that, even in scenarios threatened by the health crisis, foster the development of academic, relatio- nal, and communicative skills, involving the educational community in dialogue-based learning.