Integración de trabajos de investigación para la gestión sostenible de los pastos de montaña del norte peninsular

  1. J. Busqué
  2. R. Rosa García
  3. R. Celaya
  4. i. Albizu
  5. N. Aldai
  6. J. Aldaz
  7. F.J. Sesma
  8. D. Sola
  9. K. Osoro
Innovación sostenible en pastos: Hacia una agricultura de respuesta al cambio climático
  1. Mª Dolores Báez Bernal (coord.)
  2. Laura Campo Ramírez (coord.)
  3. Sonia Pereira Crespo (coord.)
  4. María J. Bande Castro (coord.)
  5. Julio E. López Díaz (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos

ISBN: 978-84-608-7722-6

Argitalpen urtea: 2016

Orrialdeak: 325-330

Biltzarra: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos. Reunión Científica (55. 2016. Lugo-A Coruña)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


Mountain pastures and their associated extensive livestock systems share similar characteristics and problems in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. In the last decades, these have been studied in a fragmented and isolated way by several technical and scientific groups physically close to each other. Recently, a group integrated by experts from different regions of northern Spain has been created with the purpose of compiling all existing studies and search for solutions to overcome the current trend of degradation and abandonment of these agro-ecosystems. The first task of the group has dealt with the organization of the existing information within few thematic blocks: pasture productivity, soils and biodiversity, vegetation types, livestock behaviour and performance, quality of livestock products and socio-economy and ecosystem services. Later, a database was created in order to organize all the information and evaluate, in a structured way, the existing knowledge and gaps. Even though there are still many studies that need to be incorporated in the database, we have been able to summarise some representative statistics and knowledge gaps from the 266 works already introduced. All these aspects are detailed in the present communication.