Hacia la configuración de un estilo. Los primeros cortometrajes de Julio Diamante

  1. Larrauri Gárate, Íñigo
III Congreso Internacional Historia, arte y literatura en el cine en español y portugués: hibridaciones, transformaciones y nuevos espacios narrativos: 24, 25 y 26 de junio 2015, Salamanca
  1. Camarero Calandria, María Emma (coord.)
  2. Marcos Ramos, María (coord.)

Publisher: Centro de Estudios Brasileños ; Universidad de Salamanca

ISBN: 978-84-606-8174-8

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 1

Pages: 638-654

Congress: Congreso Internacional Historia, literatura y arte en el cine en español y portugués (3. 2015. Salamanca)

Type: Conference paper


In the mid-fifties of the last century, as a student of the Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematográficas (IIEC), Julio Diamante made his first two short films: Before Breakfast (1954) and The Trial (1955), both of them cinematographic adaptations of the homonymous literary works by Eugene O'Neill and Franz Kafka, respectively. In both cases, Diamante tries to stylize realism while taking into consideration some of the most prominent authors in Spanish literature, such as Quevedo or Valle Inclán. After the analysis of these works and comparing them to other Diamante's short films, we will reflect on the different ways in which he deals with realism in his oeuvre.