Promocionant la comunicació pública en èuscar : la comunitat de pràctica «Jendaurrean Erabili»

  1. Eduardo Apodaka
  2. Uxoa Anduaga
  3. Idurre Eskisabel
  4. Jordi Morales-i-Gras
  5. Beatriz Zabalondo
Treballs de sociolingüística catalana

ISSN: 2013-9136

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 30

Pages: 281-295

Type: Article

More publications in: Treballs de sociolingüística catalana


Basque language revitalisation and normalisation policies and initiatives are in a period of change. The necessity to go beyond knowledge has spread progressively in policies and social initiatives to support the effective use of the Basque language. In this context, public commu-nication has a strategic importance and for this reason the Basque Sociolinguistics Cluster and the University of the Basque Country cooperated on a research project and action at the end of 2015 called the Jendaurrean Erabili Praktika Komunitatea. The main goal of the proj-ect has been basically to establish a practice community for promotion of the public use of the Basque language. In this paper we explain: 1) the sociolinguistic context and the political-ideological framework of the project and of the intervention; 2) why, for what purpose and how the practice community has been used as a method; 3) the adaptation and development of the practice community; and 4) the upcoming challenges derived from the results obtained to date.

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