Dilema y retopor una política comunitaria en energía

  1. García Rabadán, Jonatan
  2. Miró Baz, Luis Carlos
Cuadernos europeos de Deusto

ISSN: 1130-8354

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: Energía y cambio climático

Issue: 42

Pages: 101-123

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos europeos de Deusto


Energy was a key issue in the beginning of the construction of the European Union. However, over the years, this topic progressively lost its relevance. The oil crises forced States to look for new energies, for example gas. Due to current phenomena such as the increasing European energy dependency towards Russia and the gas crises have raised the need for the Union to look for other alternatives when it comes to the energy supply. Nevertheless, the clash between the interests of the Member States and those of the Union have reduced the pace or even blocked the implementation of these initiatives. The Prisoner's Dilemma can help us to explain this clash.

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