Regulación jurídica de la publicidad financiera
ISSN: 0212-9469
Year of publication: 2007
Issue: 80
Pages: 9-28
Type: Article
More publications in: Estudios sobre consumo
There are several factors that come together when we dealing with finances, among others savings and and assets. These assets, along with health, have a huge importance for consumers both from the economic and the social point of view, and therefore deserve special protection. Any advertising message that deals with finances can have an impact on the economic behaviour on those who receive the message, and the expectations arisen by the message have always economic implications. That is the reason why, when dealing with financial advertising, the laws and regulations which rule this field must be ac- curately complied with, aboye all those that deal with the implications of deceptive advertising along with the observance of the specific regulations that deals with the financial market. Financial advertising is a changing activity due to the development of new technologies and the oncoming needs of those who demand financial services. Consequently, this activity must show clear and transparent practices so as to guarantee freedom of choice for those who use financial services.