Contribuciones al estudio del total de ozono en columna sobre la Península Ibérica mediante técnicas estadísticas y de soft-computing

  1. Camacho Ruiz, José Luis
Supervised by:
  1. Sancho Salcedo Sanz Director
  2. Emiliano Hernández Martín Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 29 September 2014

  1. José Antonio Portilla Figueras Chair
  2. Enrique Alexandre Cortizo Secretary
  3. Carlos Casanova Mateo Committee member
  4. Javier del Ser Lorente Committee member
  5. Sergio Gil López Committee member

Type: Thesis


Ozone is a very scarce atmospheric component but has a crucial role into preserving life at Eart’s surface through the modulation of sun’s ultraviolet radiation. The natural chemical and radiative equilibrim on the stratosphere composition was altered by the injection of sustances that destroyed ozone originating decreases in total ozone in column at global level and seasonal sharp reduction in such levels at the end of winter over Antarctica. After the Protocol of Montreal effective application, ozone levels have stopped their decrease and in some seasons and sites they showed some signs of recovery as the research here conducted shown. That recovery is modulated by dynamical and thermodinamic factors that have correlation with the ozone levels over an specific location and their influence has to be taken in account besides the long term trend cleaning of sustances that enhance the natural destruction of ozone. At this Ph Thesis a wide revisión of different cathegorization methods is proposed. Total Ozone in Column Data series from satellite borne and ground based instruments are analyzed covering a time period from 1978 to 2008 and representing five diferent sites over Iberian Peninsula. Different stasticals tools from linear methods, data distribution, cluster analysis, histogrammes and kernel functions, Autoregressive and Moving Average Models to reach finally different applications of neural networks have been widely applied in this work providing a picture of the Total Ozone in Column evolution and its related meteorological or climatic factors over Iberian Peninsula over almost years. One of the main conclussions found was the observed mínimum levels between 1991 and 1993. That mínimum could be associated with the huge eruption of Mount Pinatube at the Philippines in June 1991.