El valor del "city branding" en la competitividad urbanael caso de Bilbao

  1. Bañales Mallo, Amaia
  2. Aguirre García, María Soledad
  3. Santos Vijande, María Leticia
Boletín de estudios económicos

ISSN: 0006-6249

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: Nuevos desafíos del marketing

Volume: 70

Issue: 215

Pages: 255-280

Type: Article

More publications in: Boletín de estudios económicos


In today's globalized world, territories compete actively to be chosen by tourists, investors, residents and other targets and so, increase their resources and wealth. Improving the capacity of urban competitiveness requires managing multiple tangible and intangible factors, defining and developing some strategies and carrying out further investment efforts. In this sense Bilbao-Bizkaia territory is a paradigmatic case of innovation and urban, economic and social transformation performed in the last twenty five years. Despite its success, these efforts have not been enough to solve some problems of perceived image that due to its historical issues the city has and that have limited its competitiveness. Therefore, the local administration has engaged in an ambitious program of city branding, launched in late 2012, which is beginning to show its first results in terms of competitiveness of the territory.

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