El sufrimiento del pasado – Superación del nacionalsocialismo en la novela Austerlitz de W.G. Sebald

  1. Saalbach, Mario 1
  1. 1 Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

    Lejona, España

    ROR https://ror.org/000xsnr85

Revista de filología alemana

ISSN: 1133-0406

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: Sincronías en el pasado... diacronías en el presente. Estudios literarios

Issue: 3

Pages: 241-250

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de filología alemana


Among the many radical changes that the German unification in 1989/90 brought about for the Germans in East and West, one of particular importance is the processing of the Nazi past and its precipitation in fictional literature in the context of identity redefinition. Here it can be observed that the ideas, according to which the debate about National Socialism and its consequences takes place, are increasingly shifting from a perpetrator’s perspective of the 1950s and ‘60s to a victim perspective, which increasingly focuses on German suffering during the Nazi period and World War II. The fact that this is not just a question of breaking the silence about the decades of frowned upon wretched experiences undergone by the German population, but it seems to be a general tendency of the narrative perspective to get gradually detached from the question of guilt of the National Socialism in order to focus on the literary investigation of suffering as shall be presented with the example of the novel Austerlitz by WG Sebald.

Bibliographic References

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  • SCHLINK, B., Der Vorleser. Zürich: Diogenes 1995; GRASS, G., Im Krebsgang. Göttingen: Steidl 2002.
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  • FRIEDRICH, J., Der Brand. Deutschland im Bombenkrieg 1940-1945. Berlin: Propyläen 2002;
  • DÜCKERS, T., Himmelskörper. Berlin: Aufbau 2003; BAUER, B., Im Federhaus der Zeit. München: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 2003;
  • HEIN, CH., Landnahme. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp 2004. Siehe hierzu auch:
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  • BEYER, M., Spione. Köln: DuMont 2000. Siehe hierzu auch SAALBACH, M., “Literarische Aufarbeitung des Nationalsozialismus im Umbruch”, Estudios Filológicos Alemanes 14 (2007).
  • PREUßER, H.-P., “Erinnerung, Fiktion und Geschichte. Über die Transformation des Erlebten ins kulturelle Gedächtnis: Walser Wilkomirski – Grass”, German Life & Letters 57,4 (2004), 488-503, hier 500.
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  • GSTREIN, N., Die englischen Jahre. Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp 1999.
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  • COSGROVE, M., “Melancholy Competitions: W. G. Sebald Reads Günter Grass and Wolfgang Hildesheimer”, German Life & Letters 59,2 (2006), 217-232.