Documentación espacial del Patrimonio. Preservación de la informaciónnecesidad, posibilidades, estrategias y estándares

  1. Rodríguez Miranda, Álvaro
Supervised by:
  1. José Manuel Valle Melón Director
  2. María Cruz Porcal Gonzalo Director

Defence university: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Fecha de defensa: 30 July 2014

  1. Eugenio Ruiz Urrestarazu Chair
  2. Joseba Juaristi Linacero Secretary
  3. Andreas Georgopoulos Committee member
  4. Grazia Tucci Committee member
  5. Rafael Mata Olmo Committee member
  1. Ingeniería Minera y Metalúrgica y Ciencia de los Materiales

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 117773 DIALNET lock_openADDI editor


Data preservation is one of the main challenges that any kind of heritage (cultural heritage, natural heritage, virtual heritage, etc.) faces at present. In this work, the issue is addressed by defining a data management system, this one will be adapted to the characteristics of an organization that possesses this sort of information and wants to make use of it in order to attain its objectives in both the market and society. Up to now, no data management system has been designed taking into account some of the distinctive features of heritage, such as its close connection with the place where it lies and the periods of time it has been witness to. Subjectivity and uncertainty are related to information about heritage as well, thus, special consideration is also awarded to them. The text provides a comprehensive overview of the legislation and initiatives concerning data preservation in the heritage community and linked fields, and states a methodology to set up a strategy for data preservation and re-use. Finally the methodology is tested in a real case, which provides the necessary feedback to analyse its validity and to draw conclusions.