Diseño de nodos inicales en cibermediosun estudio comparativo

  1. Serrano Tellería, Ana
Supervised by:
  1. Javier Díaz Noci Director

Defence university: Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Fecha de defensa: 11 June 2010

  1. Jesús Canga Larequi Chair
  2. Koldobika Meso Ayerdi Secretary
  3. María Bella Palomo Torres Committee member
  4. Marcos Silva Palacios Committee member
  5. António Fidalgo Committee member

Type: Thesis


Since the first online media arise in1990, the design of which has been adapted to the content it offers and the technological evolution of the support; although, the above developments have occurred largely outside the journalistic environment where companies generally have not yet found their business model. We have assisted in its evolution to the emancipation of certain content of the printed version by the genre of computer graphics, primarily, as well as the incorporation of certain multimedia resources and users participation; active agent in the production of content, modifying the structure so far known of transmitter-receiver in an environment that offers even more possibilities for the creation and dissemination of information. By developing an analysis table in which we collect academic theories and guidelines regarding the use of color, typography, graphic resources, architecture, design and visualization of information; the initial nodes of Elpais.com, Elmundo.es, Elcorreo.com, Lavanguardia.es and Elperiodico.com were analyzed. A comparative study that helped us to broaden horizons and perspectives with other global online media was also carried on with Lemonde.fr, Guardian.co.uk, Bild.de, Nytimes.com, Clarin.com, Oglobo.oglobo.com, Reforma.com, Emol.com, Asahi.com and Asahi.com/english. As date of publication of this thesis, we conclude that while the online media is properly suited readability and graphical user interface patterns according to the contents that offer; they do not exploit the potential that the support may offer. The emergence of new access and distribution of information -mobile networks- rethinks the need for multiplatform dissemination through business convergence.