Capítulos de Libro (62) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. An overview of regression methods in hyperspectral and multispectral imaging

    Data Handling in Science and Technology (Elsevier Ltd), pp. 205-230

  2. Analysis of cannabinoids in plants, marijuana products and biological tissues

    Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry (Elsevier B.V.), pp. 65-102

  3. Biodegradable shape-memory polymers

    Advanced Structured Materials (Springer Verlag), pp. 219-236

  4. Biosensors based on nanomaterials: Transducers and modified surfaces for diagnostics

    Nanobiomaterial Engineering: Concepts and Their Applications in Biomedicine and Diagnostics (Springer Singapore), pp. 15-47

  5. CHAPTER 2: Aerobic oxidation reactions using metal-based homogeneous systems

    RSC Catalysis Series (Royal Society of Chemistry), pp. 16-49


    Encyclopedia of Cell Biology: New Research (9 Volume Set) (Nova Science Publishers, Inc.), pp. 1861-1872

  7. Chemometrics and Food Traceability

    Comprehensive Foodomics (Elsevier), pp. 387-406

  8. Chitosan-Based Nanogels for Biomedical Applications

    Handbook of Materials for Nanomedicine (Taylor & Francis), pp. 357-417

  9. Configuration of hyperspectral and multispectral imaging systems

    Data Handling in Science and Technology (Elsevier Ltd), pp. 17-34

  10. Cova Rosa (Sardeu, Asturias, España) durante el Magdaleniense : sesenta años investigaciones

    Magdalenian chrono-estratigraphic correlations and cultural connections between Cantabrian Spain and Southwest France ... and beyond, session XVII-2 du XVIII Congrès de L'uispp Actes de la Séance de la Société Préhistorique Française (Société préhistorique française), pp. 233-250

  11. Covid-19a, arazo sakonagoen ondorio

    COVID-19 eta ondoren zer?: gogoeta bat Euskal Herritik (Elkar, Euskal Liburu eta Kantuen Argitaldaria), pp. 197-204

  12. Development of ict tools for the promotion of citizen science in schools (cs4esd project)

    EDULEARN20 Proceedings: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning TechnologiesOnline Conference. 6-7 July, 2020. (IATED Academy), pp. 2628-2634

  13. Diachronical hypotheses accounting for synchronic variation: the case of the Basque particle "ote"

    Fontes Linguae Vasconum 50 urte: ekarpen berriak euskararen ikerketari = nuevas aportaciones al estudio de la lengua vasca (Gobierno de Navarra), pp. 437-451

  14. Divulgación de las Matemáticas

    Libro blanco de las matemáticas (Fundación Ramón Areces), pp. 421-481

  15. Diálogo "Volver a una universidad española": [Entrevista]

    Más talento para la universidad española: retenerlo, atraerlo, recuperarlo (Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions), pp. 209-222

  16. El complejo arqueológico de Aranbaltza (Barrika, Bizkaia).Una ventana a las formas de vida de los neandertales fuera de las cuevas en la región cantábrica

    Actualidad de la investigación arqueológica en España II (2019-2020): conferencias impartidas en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Subdirección General de Atención al Ciudadano, Documentación y Publicaciones.), pp. 47-62

  17. Electrophysiological methods for detection of membrane leakage and hemifission by dynamin 1

    Methods in Molecular Biology (Humana Press Inc.), pp. 141-162

  18. Grasslands of the palaearctic biogeographic realm: Introduction and synthesis

    Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes (Elsevier), pp. 617-637

  19. Grasslands of western Europe

    Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes (Elsevier), pp. 678-688

  20. Growing applications of hyperspectral and multispectral imaging

    Data Handling in Science and Technology (Elsevier Ltd), pp. 605-629