Geografía, Prehistoria y Arqueología
University of the Witwatersrand
Johannesburgo, SudáfricaPublications in collaboration with researchers from University of the Witwatersrand (3)
How to deal with an elephant in the room? Understanding “non-flint” raw materials: characterisation and technological organisation
ArkeoGazte: Revista de arqueología - Arkelogia aldizkaria, Núm. 12, pp. 73-89
Integrating Lipid and Starch Grain Analyses From Pottery Vessels to Explore Prehistoric Foodways in Northern Gujarat, India
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 10
A Long-Term Assessment of the Use of Phoenix theophrasti Greuter (Cretan Date Palm): The Ethnobotany and Archaeobotany of a Neglected Palm
Journal of Ethnobiology, Vol. 40, Núm. 1, pp. 101-114