Geografía, Prehistoria y Arqueología
Arias Cabal
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Pablo Arias Cabal (11)
The ‘Asturian’ and its neighbours in the twentyfirst century: Recent perspectives on the Mesolithic of northern Spain
International conference on the Mesolithic in Europe (9. 2015. Belgrado)
The “Asturian” and its neighbours in the twenty-first century : Recent perspectives on the Mesolithic of northern Spain
Foraging assemblages (Serbian Archaeological Society), pp. 281-288
New data for the late Upper Palaeolithic in the Cantabrian region: Arangas Cave (Cabrales, Asturias, Spain)
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 29
Palaeoenvironmental and chronological context of human occupations at El Cierro cave (Northern Spain) during the transition from the late Upper Pleistocene to the early Holocene
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Vol. 29
La cueva de El Cierro (Fresnu, Ribadesella): campañas de excavación e investigación 1977-1979, 2014 y 2016
Excavaciones arqueológicas en Asturias 2013-2016 (Trabe), pp. 93-106
Nuevos datos cronoestratigráficos y arqueozoológicos de la cueva de Tito Bustillo-Área de Estancia (Ribadesella, Asturias)
Kobie. Serie Anejos, pp. 109-122
Are hand stencils in european cave art older than we think? an evaluation of the existing data and their potential implications
Prehistoric Art as Prehistoric Culture: Studies in Honour of Professor Rodrigo de Balbín-Behrmann (Archaeopress), pp. 31-43
Magdalenian floors in the Lower Gallery of La Garma: a preliminary report
Site-internal spatial organization of hunter-gatherer societies: Case studies from the European Palaeolithic and Mesolithic: Papers submitted at the session (C58) »Come in - and find out: Opening a new door into the analysis of hunter-gatherer social organisation and behaviour«, held at the 15th U.I.S.P.P. conference in Lisbon, September 2006
Burials in the cave: New evidence on mortuary practices during the Mesolithic of Cantabrian Spain
Burials in the cave: New evidence on mortuary practices during the Mesolithic of Cantabrian Spain”. En Mesolithic Horizons, vol. II, Papers presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe (Belfast 2005) (Oxbow Books), pp. 650-656
La transición al Neolítico en la región cantábrica: estado de la cuestión
3.º Congresso de Arqueología Peninsular: UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal. Setembro de 1999
Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de las primeras sociedades productoras en la región cantábrica
Saguntum: Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia-Extra, Núm. 2, pp. 549-557