Publicaciones (56) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. "La reparación de las víctimas de crímenes internacionales y la Corte Penal Internacional"

    Revista española de derecho internacional, Vol. 73, Núm. 1, pp. 382-384

  2. A call for a change in policy regarding the necessity for SDE tests to validate the veracity of the outcome of enantioselective syntheses, the inherent chiral state of natural products, and other cases involving enantioenriched samples


  3. A look back at cholangiocarcinoma in Finland

    United European Gastroenterology Journal

  4. A section identification tool: Towards HL7 CDA/CCR standardization in Spanish discharge summaries

    Journal of Biomedical Informatics

  5. ASO Author Reflections: Fluorescence-Guided Surgery in Gynecology Becomes a Standard

    Annals of Surgical Oncology

  6. Arbitraje en contratos internacionales de transferencia de tecnología

    Revista española de derecho internacional, Vol. 73, Núm. 2, pp. 490-491

  7. Author Correction: Genetic landscape of 6089 inherited retinal dystrophies affected cases in Spain and their therapeutic and extended epidemiological implications (Scientific Reports, (2021), 11, 1, (1526), 10.1038/s41598-021-81093-y)

    Scientific Reports

  8. Avoiding a replication crisis in deep-learning-based bioimage analysis

    Nature Methods

  9. Bariatric gastric band removal using a gastric mural erosion technique induced with a fully covered self-expandable metal stent


  10. Comment on: Efficacy and Safety of the Duodenojejunal Bypass Liner in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome. Not Yet the Time to Abandon the Duodenal-Jejunal Bypass Liner Concept

    Annals of Surgery

  11. Comments on: Patterns of acute surgical inflammatory processes presentation of in the COVID-19 outbreak (PIACO Study): surgery may be the best treatment option

    British Journal of Surgery

  12. Correction to: “Differential Susceptibility to the Benefits of Mindful Parenting Depending on Child Dispositional Mindfulness” (Mindfulness, (2021), 12, 2, (405-418), 10.1007/s12671-020-01467-7)


  13. Correction: Santa-marina et al. maternal ferritin levels during pregnancy and ADHD symptoms in 4-year-old children: Results from the INMA-INfancia y medio ambiente (environment and childhood) prospective birth cohort study. (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 7704)

    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

  14. Corrigendum: A Review of Possible EEG Markers of Abstraction, Attentiveness and Memorisation in Cyber-Physical Systems for Special Education, (Front. Robot. AI, (2021), 8, (715962), 10.3389/frobt.2021.715962)

    Frontiers in Robotics and AI

  15. Corrigendum: Catalytic Oxidation of CO on a Curved Pt(111) Surface: Simultaneous Ignition at All Facets through a Transient CO-O Complex** (Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (2020), 59, 45, (20037-20043), 10.1002/anie.202007195)

    Angewandte Chemie - International Edition

  16. Dinamarca y País Vasco. Dos socidemos ante la globalización / Manuel Ahedo Santisteban

    Revista internacional de los estudios vascos = Eusko ikaskuntzen nazioarteko aldizkaria = Revue internationale des ètudes basques = International journal on Basque studies, RIEV, Vol. 66, Núm. 1, pp. 287-290

  17. Echeverría, Javier y Lola S. Almendros (2020). Tecnopersonas. Cómo las tecnologías nos transforman. Gijón: Ediciones Trea, 454 páginas. ISBN-10: 8417987401, ISBN-13: 978-8417987404

    Arbor: Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura, Vol. 197, Núm. 802

  18. Editorial: Social Belongingness and Well-Being: International Perspectives

    Frontiers in Psychology

  19. Editorial: Special issue SOCO-CISIS 2018-IGPL

    Logic Journal of the IGPL

  20. Editorial: ‘Inter-identities' in Life, Mind, and Society

    Frontiers in Psychology