Publikationen (11) Publikationen von MARTA JORBA GRAU


  1. Apunts per a una fenomenologia de la interseccionalitat

    Convivium: revista de filosofía, Núm. 33, pp. 49-66

  2. Husserlian horizons, cognitive affordances and motivating reasons for action

    Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 19, Núm. 5, pp. 847-868

  3. Phenomenal contrast arguments: What they achieve

    Mind and Language, Vol. 35, Núm. 3, pp. 350-367

  4. Presentació

    Convivium: revista de filosofía, Núm. 33, pp. 1

  5. The Role of Inner Speech in Executive Functioning Tasks: Schizophrenia With Auditory Verbal Hallucinations and Autistic Spectrum Conditions as Case Studies

    Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 11


  1. How far does the user-illusion go?: Dennett on knowing what we think

    Teorema: Revista internacional de filosofía, Vol. 37, Núm. 3, pp. 205-221


  1. Cognitive phenomenology, access to contents, and inner speech

    Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol. 21, Núm. 9-10, pp. 74-99