Publications by the researcher in collaboration with JESUS MARIA PEREZ DE LA FUENTE (9)


  1. UnPART: PART without the ‘partial’ condition of it

    Information Sciences, Vol. 465, pp. 505-522


  1. BFPART: Best-First PART

    Information Sciences, Vol. 367-368, pp. 927-952

  2. J48Consolidated WEKA paketea, adibide ezohikoen patroiak identifikatzeko tresna

    Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria, Núm. 29, pp. 155-178


  1. CTCHAID: Extending the application of the consolidation methodology

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  2. Coverage-based resampling: Building robust consolidated decision trees

    Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 79, pp. 51-67

  3. Erratum: Coverage-based resampling: Building robust consolidated decision trees (Knowledge-Based Systems (2015) 79 (51-67))

    Knowledge-Based Systems