Publications (13) MARKEL ARBULU DUDAGOITIA publications


  1. Assessment of the Current State of Building Data Resources from a Main Characterization, Data Fields and Functionalities, BIM and LCA Perspective

    Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies

  2. Decarbonisation of the Basque Country residential stock by a holistic enviro-economic assessment of renovation strategies under the life cycle thinking for climate risk mitigation

    Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 117

  3. Indicators and Data in Spain Regarding an Overview of the Capacities in the Construction, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sector

    Assessing Progress in Decarbonizing Spain’s Building Stock: Indicators and Data Availability (Springer Nature), pp. 179-200

  4. Indicators and Data in Spain for an Overview of Actual Energy Savings and Wider Benefits of Renovation of Buildings

    Assessing Progress in Decarbonizing Spain’s Building Stock: Indicators and Data Availability (Springer), pp. 201-243

  5. Indicators and Data in Spain for an Overview of Deep Renovation of Buildings

    Assessing Progress in Decarbonizing Spain’s Building Stock: Indicators and Data Availability (Springer), pp. 127-155

  6. Opportunities and Barriers of Calibrating Residential Building Performance Simulation Models Using Monitored and Survey-Based Occupant Behavioural Data: A Case Study in Northern Spain

    Buildings, Vol. 14, Núm. 7

  7. Parametric simulation tool for the enviro-economic evaluation of energy renovation strategies in residential buildings with life cycle thinking: PARARENOVATE-LCT

    Energy and Buildings, Vol. 312


  1. Barriers and challenges of the assessment framework of the Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/786 on building renovation by European RTD projects

    Energy and Buildings, Vol. 269

  2. Environmental and economic life cycle evaluation of residential buildings refurbishments by the calibration with monitored data

    EESAP13 International Conference 2022, 5-6 October Donostia-San Sebastián: Akten liburua = Libro de actas = Proceedings book

  3. Monitoring and energy management strategy during the energy refurbishment plan of the social rental housing stock of the Basque Country

    EESAP13 International Conference 2022, 5-6 October Donostia-San Sebastián: Akten liburua = Libro de actas = Proceedings book


  1. Analysis of Energy Retrofit Assessment Methodologies in Buildings by European Research Projects

    Environmental and Climate Technologies, Vol. 25, Núm. 1, pp. 265-280