Department: Polímeros y Materiales Avanzados: Física, Química y Teconología

Centre: Facultad de Química

Campus: Gipuzkoa

Field of knowledge: Ciencias


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad de Oviedo with the thesis Fabricación y caracterización magnética de películas delgadas ferromagnéticas con estructuras ordenadas de antidots 2017. Supervised by Dr. Víctor Manuel de la Prida Pidal, Dr. Agustín Antonio Fernández Suárez.

Especialidades predominantes (top 5) Obtenidas a partir de las publicaciones

  1. Condensed Matter Physics Filtrar
  2. Applied Physics Filtrar
  3. Electrical and Electronic Engineering Filtrar
  4. Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics Filtrar
  5. Biotechnology Filtrar

Mohamed Salaheldeen received a Ph.D. degree in Multifunctional Ferromagnetic nanostructured thin films and their alloys for Spintronic application from the University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain, in 2019. From 2019-2021, he worked at the Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Oviedo, Spain, as a Postdoctoral researcher. In 2022, he joined the Department of Polymers and Advanced Materials of the University of the Basque Country, Spain, as a Postdoctoral researcher, and in 2003, he got a prestigious Maria Zambrano postdoctoral fellowship. His main research is the fabrication and magnetic, optical, structural, and mechanical characterization of Nano/Microstructured magnetic materials (Antidots, dots, thin films, wires, and nanoparticles) for Spintronic applications.