Department: Matemáticas

Centre: Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología

Campus: Bizkaia

Field of knowledge: Ciencias

Area: Applied Mathematics


Personal web:

Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Hierarchical modelling of patient-reported outcomes data based on the beta-binomial distribution 2017. Supervised by Dr. Dae-Jin Lee, Dr. Inmaculada Arostegui Madariaga.

Josu Najera-Zuloaga (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, has a degree and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of the Basque Country in 2013 and 2017, respectively. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at the UPV/EHU. He has published scientific articles in mathematics and health sciences indexed journals. He has also participated in several research projects, networks, and research groups.