Publications (41) JAVIER RODRIGUEZ ASEGUINOLAZA publications
Dimensionless numerical sensitivity analysis of narrow cracks by means of infrared lock-in thermography
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol. 200
Quantitative optimization analysis of lock-in infrared thermography for characterizing delaminations
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 231
Resolution of multiple semi-infinite delaminations using lock-in infrared thermography
NDT and E International, Vol. 146
Characterization of semi-infinite delaminations using lock-in thermography: Experimental results
NDT and E International, Vol. 138
Characterization of semi-infinite delaminations using lock-in thermography: Theory and numerical experiments
NDT and E International, Vol. 138
Imaging real cracks: Evaluation of the depth and width of narrow fatigue cracks in Al-alloys using laser-spot lock-in thermography
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Quantifying the width and angle of inclined cracks using laser-spot lock-in thermography
NDT and E International, Vol. 122
Sizing the depth and width of narrow cracks in real parts by laser-spot lock-in thermography
Materials, Vol. 14, Núm. 19
Measurement of in-plane thermal diffusivity of solids moving at constant velocity using laser spot infrared thermography
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Vol. 134, pp. 519-526
Operation strategies guideline for packed bed thermal energy storage systems
International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 43, Núm. 12, pp. 6211-6221
Thermal energy storage for waste heat recovery in the steelworks: The case study of the REslag project
Applied Energy, Vol. 237, pp. 708-719
Cloud morphology and dynamics in Saturn's northern polar region
Icarus, Vol. 299, pp. 117-132
New insights into the corrosion mechanism between molten nitrate salts and ceramic materials for packed bed thermocline systems: A case study for steel slag and Solar salt
Solar Energy, Vol. 173, pp. 152-159
Parametric analysis and optimization of a combined latent-sensible packed bed energy storage system
AIP Conference Proceedings
Solid packed bed thermal energy storage for ORC electric generation in Fresnel type CSP plants
AIP Conference Proceedings
Analysis of an integrated packed bed thermal energy storage system for heat recovery in compressed air energy storage technology
Applied Energy, Vol. 205, pp. 280-293
Parametric analysis of a packed bed thermal energy storage system
AIP Conference Proceedings
Thermal cycling testing of Zn–Mg–Al eutectic metal alloys as potential high-temperature phase change materials for latent heat storage
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 129, Núm. 2, pp. 885-894
Zinc-rich eutectic alloys for high energy density latent heat storage applications
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 705, pp. 714-721
Advances in the valorization of waste and by-product materials as thermal energy storage (TES) materials
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 59, pp. 763-783