Department: Tecnología Electrónica

Centre: Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao

Campus: Bizkaia

Field of knowledge: Ingenieria y Arquitectura

Area: Electronics Technology

Research group: Grupo de Investigación en Electrónica Aplicada - GIC 21/097


Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Realización de modelos de procesamiento mediante VHDL para la determinación del flujo óptico a partir de secuencias de imágenes 2001. Supervised by Dr. José Luis Martín.

Electronic Engineer (1985) and Project Management Specialist (1992) from Simón Bolívar University (Venezuela). Doctor of Telecommunications Engineering (2001) by the UPV / EHU. From 1985 he worked in R&D departments of telecommunications companies. In 2000, he joined the Electronic Technology department at UPV/EHU as an Associate Professor, and in 2017, he became a Tenured Professor. He is part of the Applied Electronics Research Group (APERT). He has been Responsible of the Master in Advanced Electronic Systems (2012-2017), Responsible for the Doctorate in Advanced Electronic Systems (2009-2012), Secretary of the Department of Electronic Technology (2012), Coordinator of Teaching Infrastructure of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (2006-2011) and Coordinator of a Section of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications (2003-2006). He was doctoral advisor of 5 PhD thesis, participated in more than 80 research projects of which he has directed 8. He is the author of three patents, about 26 magazin publications, several books and more than 90 publications in conferences. Within the Electronics and Telecomunications doctoral program, he participates in the Systems-on-Programmable-Chips line.