Publications (158) EKAITZ ZULUETA GUERRERO publications


  1. A New Loss Function for Simultaneous Object Localization and Classification

    Mathematics, Vol. 11, Núm. 5

  2. Active flow control on airfoils by reinforcement learning

    Ocean Engineering, Vol. 287

  3. Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis Using Machine Learning: A Survey

    Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 14

  4. Analysing Edge Computing Devices for the Deployment of Embedded AI

    Sensors, Vol. 23, Núm. 23

  5. Artificial Intelligence Opportunities to Diagnose Degradation Modes for Safety Operation in Lithium Batteries

    Batteries, Vol. 9, Núm. 7

  6. Convolutional Neural Network Predictions for Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes-Based Numerical Simulations

    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, Núm. 2

  7. Cooktop Sensing Based on a YOLO Object Detection Algorithm

    Sensors, Vol. 23, Núm. 5

  8. Educational Innovation Project in the Field of Informatics

    Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

  9. Electrochemical Impedance Spectrum Equivalent Circuit Parameter Identification Using a Deep Learning Technique

    Electronics (Switzerland), Vol. 12, Núm. 24

  10. Hybrid LSTM+CNN architecture for unsteady flow prediction

    Materials Today Communications, Vol. 35

  11. Modification of Learning Ratio and Drop-Out for Stochastic Gradient Descendant Algorithm

    Mathematics, Vol. 11, Núm. 5

  12. Neural architecture search for the estimation of relative positioning of the autonomous mobile robot

    Logic Journal of the IGPL, Vol. 31, Núm. 4, pp. 634-647

  13. Numerical modeling of a sneeze, a cough and a continuum speech inside a hospital lift

    Heliyon, Vol. 9, Núm. 2

  14. Oportunidades ofrecidas por la inteligencia artificial dentro del reciclaje de baterías

    Revista DYNA, Vol. 98, Núm. 6, pp. 548-549

  15. Parametric study of vortex generators on a fin-and-tube heat exchanger

    Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, Vol. 45, Núm. 4, pp. 10051-10072