Publications (42) JON TERES ZUBIAGA publications
Inclusivity in urban energy transitions: A methodological approach for mapping gendered energy vulnerability
Energy Research and Social Science, Vol. 109
Ranking building design and operation parameters for residential heating demand forecasting with machine learning
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 86
The Open Data Potential for the Geospatial Characterisation of Building Stock on an Urban Scale: Methodology and Implementation in a Case Study †
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 16, Núm. 2
Cost-effectiveness and minimum requirements of nZEB for residential buildings under the new Spanish Technical Building Code
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 287
Geometric and thermal characterization of buildings at urban scale based on open data
EESAP14 International Conference 2023, 4-5 October, Donostia – San Sebastián. Proceedings book
Multidimensional procedure for mapping and monitoring urban energy vulnerability at regional level using public data: Proposal and implementation into a case study in Spain
Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 89
Why district renovation is not leading the race? Critical assessment of building renovation potential under different intervention levels
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 295
‘Decarbonizing Europe’ A critical review on positive energy districts approaches
Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 89
Addressing sustainability and climate change through participatory simulation games in a multicultural environment in higher education: an experience in a master degree on smart cities and communities
EDULEARN22 Proceedings: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (July 4th-6th, 2022, Palma, Spain)
Assessing the Thermal Performance of a Conventional Architecture in Dry Warm Climate
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Development of a Simple Model to Estimate Heating Demand at a District Level
EESAP13 International Conference 2022, 5-6 October Donostia-San Sebastián: Akten liburua = Libro de actas = Proceedings book
A MILP optimization method for energy renovation of residential urban areas: Towards Zero Energy Districts
Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 68
Building renovation at district level – Lessons learned from international case studies
Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 72
Improving energy performance of historic buildings through hygrothermal assessment of the envelope
Buildings, Vol. 11, Núm. 9
Analysis of the integration of micro-cogeneration units in space heating and domestic hot water plants
Energy, Vol. 200
Cost-effective building renovation at district level combining energy efficiency & renewables – Methodology assessment proposed in IEA-Annex 75 and a demonstration case study
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 224
Feasibility of zonal space heating controls in residential buildings in temperate climates: Energy and economic potentials in Spain
Energy and Buildings, Vol. 218
Modelling and experimental characterization of a Stirling engine-based domestic micro-CHP device
Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 225
Desarrollo de un Modelo Simple para la Estimación de la Reducción de la Demanda de Calefacción Debida a Acciones de Rehabilitación
Transition: 10º Congreso Europeo sobre Eficiencia Energética y Sostenibilidad en Arquitectura y Urbanismo – 3º Congreso Internacional de Construcción Avanzada
El potencial de la rehabilitación energética a escala de distrito para la reducción de emisiones de CO2 y fomentar regeneración urbana. IEA-EBC Annex 75
Transition: 10º Congreso Europeo sobre Eficiencia Energética y Sostenibilidad en Arquitectura y Urbanismo – 3º Congreso Internacional de Construcción Avanzada