Publications (18) IRAIA MAIALEN MUÑOA HOYOS publications
Morfinak hipometilazio globala eragiten du mES zeluletan autoerregulazioa daukan demetilazio aktibo baten bidez
Osasun zientziak: V. Ikergazte Nazioarteko Ikerteta Euskaraz. 2023eko maitzaren 17, 18 eta 19 Donostia, Euskal Herria.
Pirin is a prognostic marker of human melanoma that dampens the proliferation of malignant cells by downregulating JARID1B/KDM5B expression
Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, Núm. 1
Sperm aminopeptidase N identifies the potential for high-quality blastocysts and viable embryos in oocyte-donation cycles
Human Reproduction, Vol. 37, Núm. 10, pp. 2246-2254
(Pro)renin receptor is present in human sperm and it adversely affects sperm fertility ability
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 22, Núm. 6, pp. 1-15
Sex dependent alteration of epigenetic marks after chronic morphine treatment in mice organs
Food and Chemical Toxicology, Vol. 152
The multifunctional role of SPANX-A/D protein subfamily in the promotion of pro-tumoural processes in human melanoma
Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, Núm. 1
Kappa- opioid receptor regulates human sperm functions via SPANX-A/D protein family
Reproductive Biology, Vol. 20, Núm. 3, pp. 300-306
Morphine leads to global genome changes in H3K27me3 levels via a Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) self-regulatory mechanism in mESCs
Clinical epigenetics, Vol. 12, Núm. 1, pp. 170
RKIP regulates differentiation-related features in melanocytic cells
Cancers, Vol. 12, Núm. 6, pp. 1-22
SPANX-A/D protein subfamily plays a key role in nuclear organisation, metabolism and flagellar motility of human spermatozoa
Scientific Reports, Vol. 10, Núm. 1
Phosphoproteomic and functional analyses reveal sperm-specific protein changes downstream of kappa opioid receptor in human spermatozoa
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, Vol. 18, pp. S118-S131
Human sperm testicular angiotensin-converting enzyme helps determine human embryo quality
Asian Journal of Andrology, Vol. 20, Núm. 5, pp. 498-504
Angiotensin II type 2 receptor is expressed in human sperm cells and is involved in sperm motility
Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 105, Núm. 3, pp. 608-616
Expression and localization of opioid receptors in Male germ cells and the implication for mouse spermatogenesis
PLoS ONE, Vol. 11, Núm. 3
The opioid peptide beta-endorphin stimulates acrosome reaction in human spermatozoa
Andrology, Vol. 4, Núm. 1, pp. 143-151
Beta-endorfinaren eragina giza espermatozoideen erreakzio akrosomikoan
I. IkergazteNazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma: 2015eko maiatzaren 13, 14 eta 15a. Durango, Euskal Herria
Opioide-hartzaileen deskribapena eta kokapena saguen hozi-zelula maskulinoetan
I. IkergazteNazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma: 2015eko maiatzaren 13, 14 eta 15a. Durango, Euskal Herria
The Epigenetic Regulation of the Opioid System: New Individualized Prompt Prevention and Treatment Strategies
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Vol. 116, Núm. 11, pp. 2419-2426