Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Isabel García-del-Real (5)


  1. The Spanish adaptation of MAIN

    ZAS Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 64, pp. 211-220


  1. Diferencias individuales en la interpretación temprana de la cuantificación y del aspecto en el español ibérico

    ALFAL 50 anos: Contribuições para os estudos linguísticos e filológicos (Joao Pessoa: Ideia), pp. 238-164


  1. 'Comprehension and Production of Grammatical Aspect in Child Spanish: Semantics vs. Pragmatics

    Selected Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2012) (Cascadilla Proceedings Project), pp. 99-110


  1. Comprehension of grammatical and lexical aspect in Spanish and Basque

    Selected Proceedings of the Romance Turn IV Workshop on the Acquisition of Romance Languages (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), pp. 82-103