Publications (33) PAYAM ABOUTALEBI publications
Hybrid offshore wind turbines: Control-oriented modeling approaches
Innovations in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2024
Voltage and power control for distributed generation units in islanded microgrids
Innovations in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2024
Advancing Offshore Renewable Energy: Integrative Approaches in Floating Offshore Wind Turbine-Oscillating Water Column Systems Using Artificial Intelligence-Driven Regressive Modeling and Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 12, Núm. 8
Application of renewable energies for power sharing and voltage control in DC microgrids using LMI-based mixed H2/hinf state feedback approach
WWME 2023 V. Jardunaldia - Itsas energiako sistemen aurrerapen berriei buruzko irakaskuntza-oharrak
El diseño y desempeño dinámico de estructuras marinas utilizando herramientas numéricas
WWME 2023 V. Jardunaldia - Itsas energiako sistemen aurrerapen berriei buruzko irakaskuntza-oharrak
Hydrostatic stability and hydrodynamics of a floating wind turbine platform integrated with oscillating water columns: A design study
Renewable Energy, Vol. 221
Ikaskuntza automatikoko ikuspegi bat, ur-zutabe oszilatzailearen uhin-sorgailuen pronostikorako
WWME 2023 V. Jardunaldia - Itsas energiako sistemen aurrerapen berriei buruzko irakaskuntza-oharrak
Mitigación de vibraciones con control del flujo de aire basado en GA-ANFIS de una turbina eólica marina flotante híbrida con columnas de agua oscilantes
Jornadas de Automática, Núm. 45
Mutrikuko MOWC wave power plant-eko harrapaketa-ganberaren ereduaren balidazio esperimentala
WWME 2023 V. Jardunaldia - Itsas energiako sistemen aurrerapen berriei buruzko irakaskuntza-oharrak
Reducción del movimiento oscilatorio en turbinas eólicas offshore: Aplicación a plataformas semi-sumergibles con integración de columnas de agua oscilante
WWME 2023 V. Jardunaldia - Itsas energiako sistemen aurrerapen berriei buruzko irakaskuntza-oharrak
Soluciones innovadoras de energía marina: Combinando columnas de agua oscilante y turbinas eólicas flotantes para una mayor eficiencia
Jornadas de Automática, Núm. 45
Validation of vibration reduction in barge-type floating offshore wind turbines with oscillating water columns through experimental and numerical analyses
Frontiers in Built Environment, Vol. 10
A Control Approach on Hybrid Floating Offshore Wind Turbines for Platform and Generated Power Oscillations Reduction at Below-rated Wind Speed
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
A Machine-Learning Approach for Prognosis of Oscillating Water Column Wave Generators
Proceedings - 27th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers, CSCC 2023
A regressive machine-learning approach to the non-linear complex FAST model for hybrid floating offshore wind turbines with integrated oscillating water columns
Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, Núm. 1
Enhancing Stability and Performance of Hybrid Offshore Wind Platforms: A Novel Fuzzy Logic Control Approach with Computational Machine Learning
2023 11th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation, ICCMA 2023
Fuzzy logic control of an artificial neural network-based floating offshore wind turbine model integrated with four oscillating water columns
Ocean Engineering, Vol. 269
Hydrodynamic and Static Stability Analysis of a Hybrid Offshore Wind-Wave Energy Generation
Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
Ikaskuntza Automatikoarekiko Hurbilketa Lau UZOdun UGHT Eredua Garatzeko
WWME 2022 IV. Jardunaldia - Berrikuntza eta irakaskuntza energia berriztagarrien aurrerapenetan
Mitigating Undesirable Oscillatory Behavior in Barge-type Floating Offshore Wind Turbines through Oscillating Water Columns
Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC