Researcher in the period 1996-2022
Publications (190) MARIO MONTES RAMIREZ publications
Catalytic and kinetic study of the liquid-phase oxidation of lactose over Au/Al2O3 nanostructured catalysts in a monolithic stirrer reactor
Catalysis Today, Vol. 383, pp. 299-307
Metal micromonoliths for the cleaning of H2 by means of methanation reactions
Catalysis Today, Vol. 383, pp. 216-225
Structuring Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst for methanol synthesis: Slurry additive effect in the washcoating method
Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, Vol. 182
Understanding the promotional effect of Pt/CeO2 in cobalt-catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch synthesis using operando infrared spectroscopy at moderated pressures
Fuel, Vol. 312
Design and Test of a Miniature Hydrogen Production Integrated Reactor
Reactions, Vol. 2, Núm. 2, pp. 78-93
Highly conductive structured catalytic reactors for one-step synthesis of dimethyl ether
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 60, Núm. 18, pp. 6676-6686
Performance comparison between washcoated and packed-bed monolithic reactors for the low-temperature Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 425
Monolithic stirrer reactor: The selective lactose oxidation in liquid phase over Au/Al2O3 nanostructured catalysts
Molecular Catalysis, Vol. 481
Preparation of ceramic and metallic monoliths coated with cryptomelane as catalysts for VOC abatement
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 382
Analysis of Ru/La-Al2O3 catalyst loading on alumina monoliths and controlling regimes in methane steam reforming
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 334, pp. 1792-1807
Electrochemical modification of aluminium in oxalic acid as a tool for the design of microreactors based on Al-Al2O3
Acta Microscopica, Vol. 27, Núm. 2, pp. 124-138
Fecralloy monoliths coated with ni/al2o3 applied to the low-temperature production of ethylene
Catalysts, Vol. 8, Núm. 7
Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Intensification in Foam Structures
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 57, Núm. 31, pp. 10187-10197
Influence of sucrose addition and acid treatment of silica-supported Co-Ru catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
Fuel, Vol. 231, pp. 157-164
Insights into the effect of catalyst loading on methane steam reforming and controlling regime for metallic catalytic monoliths
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 43, Núm. 26, pp. 11778-11792
Outstanding performance of rehydrated Mg-Al hydrotalcites as heterogeneous methanolysis catalysts for the synthesis of biodiesel
Fuel, Vol. 211, pp. 173-181
Stacked wire mesh monoliths for the simultaneous abatement of VOCs and diesel soot
Catalysts, Vol. 8, Núm. 1
Effect of catalyst layer macroporosity in high-thermal-conductivity monolithic Fischer-Tropsch catalysts
Fuel, Vol. 210, pp. 49-57
Effect of the thermal conductivity and catalyst layer thickness on the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis selectivity using structured catalysts
Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 327, pp. 1033-1042
Selective hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiene in the presence of 1-butene under liquid phase conditions using structured catalysts
Catalysis Today, Vol. 289, pp. 151-161