Publications (60) XABIER ERDOCIA IRIARTE publications



  1. Current Approaches for Polyurethane Production from Lignin

    Biorefinery: A Sustainable Approach for the Production of Biomaterials, Biochemicals and Biofuels (Springer Nature), pp. 153-202

  2. Deposition of Lignin Particles on the Surface of Treated and Non-Treated Active Carbon

    Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 101, pp. 19-24

  3. Optimisation of lignin liquefaction with polyethylene glycol/ glycerol through response surface methodology modelling

    Industrial Crops and Products, Vol. 198

  4. Valorisation of crude glycerol in the production of liquefied lignin bio-polyols for polyurethane formulations

    International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Vol. 247


  1. Kraft lignin as a partial replacement for a traditional surfactant in thymol-based biocidal suspensions: physical and chemical features

    Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology, Vol. 41, Núm. 5, pp. 199-209

  2. Life Cycle Assessment of various biorefinery approaches for the valorisation of almond shells

    Sustainable Production and Consumption, Vol. 28, pp. 749-759

  3. Lignin depolymerization for monomers production by sustainable processes

    Micro and Nanolignin in Aqueous Dispersions and Polymers: Interactions, Properties, and Applications (Elsevier), pp. 65-110

  4. Lignin extraction and isolation methods

    Lignin-based Materials for Biomedical Applications: Preparation, Characterization, and Implementation (Elsevier), pp. 61-104

  5. Renewable Biopolyols from Residual Aqueous Phase Resulting after Lignin Precipitation

    ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, Vol. 9, Núm. 9, pp. 3608-3615

  6. Study of different extraction methods of bioactive molecules from different tree species

    Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol. 86, pp. 31-36

  7. Techno-economic analysis of different integrated biorefinery scenarios using lignocellulosic waste streams as source for phenolic alcohols production

    Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 285