Publications (109) JON SAENZ AGUIRRE publications View referenced research data.


  1. CMIP6 projections for global offshore wind and wave energy production (2015–2100)

    Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, Núm. 1

  2. Paradigmatic case of long-term colocated wind–wave energy index trend in Canary Islands

    Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 283

  3. Performance variations of wave energy converters due to global long-term wave period change (1900–2010)

    Energy, Vol. 268

  4. Problems-based Learning in Higher Education Under Regular and COVID19 Pandemic Conditions: An Educational Experience

    EDUNINE 2023 - 7th IEEE World Engineering Education Conference: Reimaging Engineering - Toward the Next Generation of Engineering Education, Merging Technologies in a Connected World, Proceedings

  5. Validation of ERA5 Wave Energy Flux through Sailor diagram in Spain (2005-2014)

    Proceedings of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference


  1. Evolución de la densidad de potencia eólica offshore en costas de la Península Ibérica estimada por reanálisis

    Retos del cambio climático: impactos, mitigación y adaptación : aportaciones presentadas en el XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología, celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022 (Asociación Española de Climatología), pp. 667-676

  2. Floating wind turbine energy and fatigue loads estimation according to climate period scaled wind and waves

    Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 271

  3. Long-Term Freezing Temperatures Frequency Change Effect on Wind Energy Gain (Eurasia and North America, 1950–2019)

    Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 14, Núm. 9

  4. Optimal strategies of deployment of far offshore co-located wind-wave energy farms

    Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 251