Department: Química Aplicada

Centre: Facultad de Química

Campus: Gipuzkoa

Field of knowledge: Ciencias

Area: Inorganic Chemistry

Research group: Polímeros de coordinación con propiedades bio(luminiscentes) y/o espintrónicas y aplicación como sensores y/o catalizadores - GIC 21/153


Doctor by the Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea with the thesis Extended systems based on diazinedicarboxylate ligands and voluminous metals 2013. Supervised by Dr. Oscar Castillo Garcia, Dr. Antonio Luque Arrebola.

During my predoctoral stage (2009-2013) I acquired an adequate training to design, synthesize and characterize porous coordination polymers with magnetic and luminescent properties, which is my main research line. The last months just before finishing my PhD thesis, I enrolled with the group led by Prof. Paul A. Wright (University of St Andrews, Scotland) to perform a research stay with the aim of improving my knowledge about the characterization of porous materials by means of gas adsorption techniques. In April 2013, I defended my PhD thesis and I obtained the maximum qualification (Apto Cum Laude, in agreement with the current regulations) along with the “International Doctor” mention. I have participated in 14 research projects, in which I am the PI of one granted in 2019 by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and I am co-author of 53 research scientific articles published in international journals of high quality (h index=18, total cites=725, average cites per year=72.5). Moreover, 7 of these articles were selected to occupy the front cover of their volume. Among the 36 articles published during my post-doctoral step (since I was granted my PhD in April 2013) I am the first author of 12 and the corresponding author of 20 of them. I have also published 2 book chapters related with my research strengths. Given the high number of excellent publications derived from my PhD thesis, I was granted with the Extraordinary Thesis Award by the University of the Basque Country. Moreover, I am coauthor of more than 50 communications submitted to congresses, among which it is worth highlighting the lecture about my research topics I was invited by the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Sebelas Maret University (Indonesia). This invitation brought about a fruitful collaboration with Dr. Atmanto H. Wibowo that has already led to 2 publications. It is worth mentioning that I have recently taken part in the organizing committee of "BioBilbao-2017" congress. Moreover, I have been reviewer of several articles since 2011 for the "EurJIC" and "ZAAC" interrnational journals belonging to the “Wiley-VCH” editorial, for which I was awarded with the distinguished “Outstanding Reviewer” recognition. I also act as reviewer for other journals such as “Inorg.Chem.”, “Cryst.Growth&Des.” and “JACS” from “ACS”, as well as “Dalton Trans.”, “CrystEngComm” or “J.Mat.Chem.C” from “RSC”, all of which occupy the first positions in the specific research area I work on. Recently, I have taken part as external reviewer in the assessment of PICT projects founded by FONCyT (Argentina). In 2013 I moved to the Chemistry Faculty in Donostia (UPV/EHU) in which I enrolled as temporary lecturer at the Applied Chemistry Department and I have been teaching during the last four years (2013-2017). I combined the teaching and research activities by means of two post-doctoral fellowships up to September, 2017, when I upgraded to my actual position as Associate Lecturer. I have also participated in many scientific dissemination performances and I am co-author of 3 divulgation articles. Regarding my teaching experience, I have taught during the last 5 years 4 subjects of Chemistry Degree (including both practical and theoretical lessons) in 3 different languages (Spanish, Basque and English). To end up, I have already supervised 2 master final projects as well as 4 final year projects, in addition to 2 ongoing Doctoral Theses.