Publications (27) JUAN MANUEL RAMIREZ SANCHEZ publications
Biotin-Based Strategies to Explore the World of Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-Like Modifiers
ChemBioChem, Vol. 25, Núm. 6
Linoleic acid improves PIEZO2 dysfunction in a mouse model of Angelman Syndrome
Nature Communications, Vol. 14, Núm. 1
P-Rex1 is a novel substrate of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Malin associated with Lafora disease
Neurobiology of Disease, Vol. 177
HERC2 deficiency activates C-RAF/MKK3/p38 signalling pathway altering the cellular response to oxidative stress
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, Vol. 79, Núm. 11
Identification of substrates for human deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs): An up-to-date review and a case study for neurodevelopmental disorders
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, Vol. 132, pp. 120-131
A proteomic approach for systematic mapping of substrates of human deubiquitinating enzymes
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 22, Núm. 9
Konpartimentu-espezifikoko gertuko biotinilazioa: XPO1en esportazio-kargoak identifikatzeko hurbilketa berria
Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria, Núm. 41, pp. 151-169
The ubiquitin ligase Ariadne-1 regulates neurotransmitter release via ubiquitination of NSF
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 296
How to Inactivate Human Ubiquitin E3 Ligases by Mutation
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Vol. 8
Mass spectrometry-based characterization of Ub- and UbL-modified proteins
Methods in Molecular Biology (Humana Press Inc.), pp. 265-276
Angelman sindromearen tratamendurako itu terapeutikoen bila: USP9X deubikuitinasa jomugan
Osagaiz: osasun-zientzien aldizkaria, Vol. 3, Núm. 1, pp. 71-78
Detailed dissection of UBe3A-mediated DDI1 ubiquitination
Frontiers in Physiology, Vol. 10, Núm. MAY
Impaired proteostasis in rare neurological diseases
Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, Vol. 93, pp. 164-177
UBE3Aren substratuak identifikatzen Angelman sindromearen ingurukoak argitzeko.
Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria, Núm. 36, pp. 151-162
Neuronal proteomic analysis of the ubiquitinated substrates of the disease-linked E3 ligases parkin and Ube3a
BioMed Research International, Vol. 2018
Quantitative proteomics reveals neuronal ubiquitination of Rngo/Ddi1 and several proteasomal subunits by Ube3a, accounting for the complexity of Angelman syndrome
Human Molecular Genetics, Vol. 27, Núm. 11, pp. 1955-1971
Significant transcriptional changes in 15q duplication but not Angelman syndrome deletion stem cell-derived neurons
Molecular Autism, Vol. 9, Núm. 1
A comprehensive platform for the analysis of ubiquitin-like protein modifications using in vivo biotinylation
Scientific Reports, Vol. 7
In vivo strategies to isolate and characterize the neuronal ubiquitinated proteome
Neuromethods (Humana Press Inc.), pp. 179-189
Quantitative proteomic analysis of Parkin substrates in Drosophila neurons
Molecular Neurodegeneration, Vol. 12, Núm. 1